Unfriending the enemy

True friends are happy for you and congratulate you on being valedictorian.

Rebecca Slang
2 min readJun 12, 2020

I’ve been sad and angry recently because I lost a friend let’s say I “unfriended” her in silent. I chose to ignore her because I talked to her several times about the damage she caused me because I felt she wasn’t there for me when I’ve done so much for her and she didn’t seem to listen. She talked bad about me behind my back and I found out about it every time, she also preferred to be liked by other people and didn’t showed any interest in my advice and preferred to listen to others. I gave fer so many oportunities and I hoped she would change evetually because I did. We have the same group of friends so I not only lost her I also lost my other friends too. But, that’s when you realize who your real friends are, right?

This has affected me in so many ways. I feel like I’m not worth anything but today I chose to not care. Why should I care? I mean I’m better than that, like my brother says, I should be laughing because why would a girl like her make me feel like that. Why should we all feel bad about ourselves when someone decides, out of the blue, to treat you bad and try to make you feel less when you didn’t do anything to affect the person.

Everyone has their moment of sadness and frustration about what are we going to be or who are we going to end up with and it’s okay to feel that way. It’s not okay when you take it all into depression and not feeling motivated about doing the things your were planning on doing. It should be more like taking it all out of your system and try to relax and keep going.

I want to point out that no one has the power over you. Live your life to the fullest and don’t let anyone tell you who you are and make up stories about you. A good friend doesn’t do that. A good friend is there for you no matter what and supports you when you are in bad situations. So, I’m starting this new fase by deleting Instagram app for a while and stick to my plans for now. I want to keep my head high and make new friends and reach out to the people who I used to hang out and go out there and make new memories with people that are worth being.

I’m taking this as a lesson of true friendship and to value myself and put myself first for once. If you are having friend trouble, don’t doubt talking to your mom about it, she will give you the best advice and she will always be there for you. Be the best version of you every time you fall and pursue happiness. Friends come and go but the true ones stay forever. True friends are happy for you and congratulate you on being valedictorian in your graduation.

